In Loving Memory of
Mildred Grennell
What can one say to describe the love a parent feels for their child, or the love a child feels for their parents? Yes, there are some not-so-good parents, but Shirley describes her mother as being the epitome of a mother’s love, not because she gave her three children everything they wanted. Shirley explained, “She didn’t have the financial where-with-all to do that, but she provided the important things in life…the simple things in life, like comfort when she rocked us to sleep if we were afraid. She taught us to believe in God, work hard and dream big.
She supported the family when my father was disabled from back surgery and other lingering health problems. She worked a man’s job at Sampson’s Airforce Base in Upstate New York driving a fork-lift truck loading bombshells in bunkers. She left the house at 5:30 am with a heavy jumpsuit during the long, often sub-zero winter months and never missed a day unless she was too ill to get out of bed. She taught her children to be responsible by making us participate in chores around the house.
She came home and cooked for the family and taught my sister and me how to cook the old fashion way…to use whatever you had at hand. Forget recipes; they were always changing. She was soft spoken unless we stepped out of line or disobeyed. When she used your middle name…you knew you were in trouble. She was never haughty or proud even though she was beautiful…inside and out! We were so blessed to have her influence and guidance to lay the foundation of our character”. It’s those characteristics she instilled and her love of nature and animals that Shirley inherited. They gave her the courage to take on such a large task and the fortitude to carry on with this mission in light of obstacles which beset her.
With only two core family members left, Shirley and her older sister, Sherri, family heritage is important to them and keeping a family legacy alive is just as vital. The desire to help to “Keep the Secretariat Legacy Alive” came naturally for Shirley. And now, after visiting the farm, meeting the horses and going to the races, her sister loves the whole idea too. Their strong-willed mother laid the foundation for them to look beyond their gender as “the weaker sex” and never give up. Their mother is never far from their thoughts and will always remain to be their fortifier of faith.